Volto no dia de hoje há carga com Metal pesado,puro e duro.Como é meu apanágio,apenas publíco música que me preencha fisica e expiritualmente,ou seja que me transmita a energia que penso sêr adequada na altura e no momento certo,tudo dentro do meu gosto pessoal e que preencha os meus requesitos de qualidade.Pois bem, assim seja e sendo eu um grande fã dos Napalm Death(mais tarde colocarei uma exposição mais vasta e adequada,desta banda lendária)congratulo-me com o regresso dos Lock Up(agora sem o falecido Jesse Pintado,R.I.P.)mas com sangue novo injetado pelo novo guitarrista Anton Reisenegger(tão devastador como o próprio Arnold Schwarzenegger...piada fácil),com o sempre carismático ex-at The Gates Tomas Lindeberg nos vocais,a sabedotia ritmica e avassaladora do mais que conhecido Nick Barker,e com toda a técnica e experiencia e acima de tudo compositor de malhas completamente esquizófrénicas e enesqueciveis do baixista dos Napalm Death, Shane Embury(a alma deste projeto).Este novo labum é para mim uma versão apunkalhada do meu album preferido dos Napalm-Enemies Of The Music Business-mais rápido,curto mas igualmente demolidor,quanto a mim mais uma obra prima do metal extremo no que diz respeito sobretudo ao estilo Gind-Core na sua forma mais pura e genuína,ou seja liricamente e instrumentalmente(vocês sabem do que eu estou a falar),GENIAL.Na senda deste disco,verifica-se mais uma edição dos também lendários Exhumed,isto porque apesar de estarem no género death metal ,com solos a rasgar(na onda Obituary e Deicide) a base ritmica fáz lembrar e muito os Napalm Death,não posso ainda assim deixar de dar uma palavra e para descortinar qualquer dúvida,que apesar das semelhanças com os bandas atrás citadas os Exhumed alèm de já serem veteranos também imprimem um cunho muito pessoal ao seu death cheio de groove.Seguindo esta linha de raciocinio,é também altura de destacar o novo albúm dos também veteranos Jungle Rot,apesar de eu sêr apreciadôr de groove nem sempre achei piada ao que estes tipos faziam,mas devido á sua persitência e perseverancia,lá foram levando a água ao seu moinho culminado com dois albums extremamente seguros e prazerozos,indubitávelmente bons,principalmente este último-Kill on Command-é caso para dizer que estas três bandas atrás citadas são como o vinho..quanto mais velho,melhor..Para terminar este grupo de postagens e porque não o posso deixar passar em branco,saúdo ainda o regresso dos Earth Crisis,banda nuclear no que diz respeito ao som Metal-Hardcore(atenção que eu não disse Metalcore,isso é outra mérda)Após um hiato de alguns anos,regressaram ao ativo há apênas tres anos e já vão no seu segundo lançamento.Se o primeiro intento não gorou as expetativas já este segundo caminha diretamente para destronar os Hatebreed do pódio.Convem não esquecer que os Crisis são mais antigos que os Hatebreed e se alguem influenciou alguém foram estes primeiros.Mas na verdade os Hatebreed e principalmente o seu lídér e principal compositor Jamie Jasta sempre foram músicalmente(principalmente nos seus concertos arrasadores)superiores.Para terminar e fazendo uma sequência lógica deste exercicio de mal escrever,postarei um albúm parcimoniamente desconhecido e outro não tanto,que contem a particulariade de sêr Jamie o seu principal compositôr.Apesar de não sêr grande intérprete de guitarra Jamie lá se vai arrumando,tentando explicar da melhor forma possivel aos seus colaboradores aquilo que pretenede,utilizando como ferramenta os seus dotes vocais,"Jamie,para quem não sabe,é uma autêntica máquina de cagar riffs,hahaha".Aqui fica transcrito e para que não restem dúvidas uma frase do seu grande amigo e co-compositor nos Kingdon Of Sorrow, Kirk Windstein. Fica ainda a promessa de resenhas e postagens dos próximos e muito aguardados(aqui por este vosso amigo)albúms dos Decapitated,Mastodon,Machine Head e Napalm Death.Estão para muito breve.Até lá,curtam muito e espero que usufruam destes presentes envenenados....HOHOHOHO...\\m//....
Lock Up – Necropolis Transparent (2011) [V0+HQ+flac6 comments.
Lock Up – Necropolis Transparent (2011) [V0+HQ+flac6 comments. 
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0) -> WUpload | FileSonic
DOWNLOAD (320kbps) -> WUpload | FileSonic (links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (flac) -> Wupload | FileSonic (links by MetaLchesH)
Genre: Grindcore/Death Metal
Country: Sweden
107mb | Vbr V0
97mb | 320kbps
437mb | flac (image+.cue+.log)
01. Brethren of the Pentagram (1:36)
02. Accelerated Mutation (2:47)
03. The Embodiment of Paradox and Chaos (1:52)
04. Necropolis Transparent (1:58)
05. Parasite Drama (3:01)
06. Anvil of Flesh (2:26)
07. Rage Incarnate Reborn (3:11)
08. Unseen Enemy (2:21)
09. Stygian Reverberations (2:13)
10. Life of Devastation (2:30)
11. Roar of a Thousand Throats (2:10)
12. Infiltrate and Destroy (2:39)
13. Discharge the Fear (3:36)
14. Vomiting Evil (2:36)
15. Stigmatyr (Bonus Track) (1:52)
16. Through the Eyes of My Shadow Self (2:28)
17. Tartarus (Instrumental) (3:19)
Exhumed – All Guts, No Glory (2011) (Deluxe Edition)otal 4 comments. 
Download–> Wupload | FileSonic
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Origin: United States
123mb | 320kbps (CD-RIP)
1. All Guts, No Glory
2. As Hammer to Anvil
3. Your Funeral, My Feast
4. Through Cadaver Eyes
5. Death Knell
6. Distorted and Twisted to Form
7. I Rot Within
8. Dis-assembly Line
9. Necrotized
10. Funereality
11. So Let It Be Rotten… So Let It Be Done
CD 2:
1. The Way Of All Flesh
2. Unclean
3. To Wake The Dead
4. Cold Caress
5. Necromaniac 2011
6. Forged In Fire (Formed In Flame) 2011
Jungle Rot – Kill On Command (2011) [HQ]ments. 
Download–> Wupload | FileSonic | UploadStation
Genre: Old School Fuckin Death Metal \m/
Origin: United States
82mb | 320kbps (CD-Rip)
1. Their Finest Hour 05:25
2. Blood Ties 03:53
3. Rise Up & Revolt 03:52
4. Kill on Command 03:22
5. Demoralized 03:15
6. Push Comes to Shove 03:12
7. I Predict a Riot 02:51
8. No Mercy (from the Merciless) 03:23
9. Born of Contagion 04:03
10. Life Negated 02:36
35:36 min Earth Crisis – Neutralize The Threat (2011)l 1 comments. 
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0)-> WUpload | FileSonic (Links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (192kbps)-> WUpload | FileSonic
Genre: Hardcore / Metalcore
Country: USA
83mb | VBR 289kbps (V0)
62mb | 192kbps
01. Raise
02. Neutralize The Threat
03. Total War
04. 100 Kiloton Blast
05. Counterstrike
06. By Conscience Compelled
07. Black Talons Tear
08. Askari
09. The Eradicators
10. Raze
Icepick - Violent Epiphany (2007)

1. Devotion Measures Strength
2. Bitter Twisted Memory
3. Tomorrow Is Not A Promise
4. Violent Epiphany
5. Creations Of Chaos
6. With One Ideal
7. Show Of Force
8. This Can Never Be Undone
9. Nothing Without Loyalty
10. Real Recognizes Real ft. Ice-T
11. Onward To Victory
12. Born To Crush You
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears (2010)
01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0) -> WUpload | FileSonic
DOWNLOAD (320kbps) -> WUpload | FileSonic (links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (flac) -> Wupload | FileSonic (links by MetaLchesH)
Genre: Grindcore/Death Metal
Country: Sweden
107mb | Vbr V0
97mb | 320kbps
437mb | flac (image+.cue+.log)
01. Brethren of the Pentagram (1:36)
02. Accelerated Mutation (2:47)
03. The Embodiment of Paradox and Chaos (1:52)
04. Necropolis Transparent (1:58)
05. Parasite Drama (3:01)
06. Anvil of Flesh (2:26)
07. Rage Incarnate Reborn (3:11)
08. Unseen Enemy (2:21)
09. Stygian Reverberations (2:13)
10. Life of Devastation (2:30)
11. Roar of a Thousand Throats (2:10)
12. Infiltrate and Destroy (2:39)
13. Discharge the Fear (3:36)
14. Vomiting Evil (2:36)
15. Stigmatyr (Bonus Track) (1:52)
16. Through the Eyes of My Shadow Self (2:28)
17. Tartarus (Instrumental) (3:19)
Exhumed – All Guts, No Glory (2011) (Deluxe Edition)otal 4 comments. 
Download–> Wupload | FileSonic
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Origin: United States
123mb | 320kbps (CD-RIP)
1. All Guts, No Glory
2. As Hammer to Anvil
3. Your Funeral, My Feast
4. Through Cadaver Eyes
5. Death Knell
6. Distorted and Twisted to Form
7. I Rot Within
8. Dis-assembly Line
9. Necrotized
10. Funereality
11. So Let It Be Rotten… So Let It Be Done
CD 2:
1. The Way Of All Flesh
2. Unclean
3. To Wake The Dead
4. Cold Caress
5. Necromaniac 2011
6. Forged In Fire (Formed In Flame) 2011
Jungle Rot – Kill On Command (2011) [HQ]ments. 
Download–> Wupload | FileSonic | UploadStation
Genre: Old School Fuckin Death Metal \m/
Origin: United States
82mb | 320kbps (CD-Rip)
1. Their Finest Hour 05:25
2. Blood Ties 03:53
3. Rise Up & Revolt 03:52
4. Kill on Command 03:22
5. Demoralized 03:15
6. Push Comes to Shove 03:12
7. I Predict a Riot 02:51
8. No Mercy (from the Merciless) 03:23
9. Born of Contagion 04:03
10. Life Negated 02:36
35:36 min Earth Crisis – Neutralize The Threat (2011)l 1 comments. 
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0)-> WUpload | FileSonic (Links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (192kbps)-> WUpload | FileSonic
Genre: Hardcore / Metalcore
Country: USA
83mb | VBR 289kbps (V0)
62mb | 192kbps
01. Raise
02. Neutralize The Threat
03. Total War
04. 100 Kiloton Blast
05. Counterstrike
06. By Conscience Compelled
07. Black Talons Tear
08. Askari
09. The Eradicators
10. Raze
Icepick - Violent Epiphany (2007)

1. Devotion Measures Strength
2. Bitter Twisted Memory
3. Tomorrow Is Not A Promise
4. Violent Epiphany
5. Creations Of Chaos
6. With One Ideal
7. Show Of Force
8. This Can Never Be Undone
9. Nothing Without Loyalty
10. Real Recognizes Real ft. Ice-T
11. Onward To Victory
12. Born To Crush You
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears (2010)
01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied

Download–> Wupload | FileSonic
Genre: Death Metal/Grindcore
Origin: United States
123mb | 320kbps (CD-RIP)
1. All Guts, No Glory
2. As Hammer to Anvil
3. Your Funeral, My Feast
4. Through Cadaver Eyes
5. Death Knell
6. Distorted and Twisted to Form
7. I Rot Within
8. Dis-assembly Line
9. Necrotized
10. Funereality
11. So Let It Be Rotten… So Let It Be Done
CD 2:
1. The Way Of All Flesh
2. Unclean
3. To Wake The Dead
4. Cold Caress
5. Necromaniac 2011
6. Forged In Fire (Formed In Flame) 2011
Jungle Rot – Kill On Command (2011) [HQ]ments. 
Download–> Wupload | FileSonic | UploadStation
Genre: Old School Fuckin Death Metal \m/
Origin: United States
82mb | 320kbps (CD-Rip)
1. Their Finest Hour 05:25
2. Blood Ties 03:53
3. Rise Up & Revolt 03:52
4. Kill on Command 03:22
5. Demoralized 03:15
6. Push Comes to Shove 03:12
7. I Predict a Riot 02:51
8. No Mercy (from the Merciless) 03:23
9. Born of Contagion 04:03
10. Life Negated 02:36
35:36 min Earth Crisis – Neutralize The Threat (2011)l 1 comments. 
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0)-> WUpload | FileSonic (Links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (192kbps)-> WUpload | FileSonic
Genre: Hardcore / Metalcore
Country: USA
83mb | VBR 289kbps (V0)
62mb | 192kbps
01. Raise
02. Neutralize The Threat
03. Total War
04. 100 Kiloton Blast
05. Counterstrike
06. By Conscience Compelled
07. Black Talons Tear
08. Askari
09. The Eradicators
10. Raze
Icepick - Violent Epiphany (2007)

1. Devotion Measures Strength
2. Bitter Twisted Memory
3. Tomorrow Is Not A Promise
4. Violent Epiphany
5. Creations Of Chaos
6. With One Ideal
7. Show Of Force
8. This Can Never Be Undone
9. Nothing Without Loyalty
10. Real Recognizes Real ft. Ice-T
11. Onward To Victory
12. Born To Crush You
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears (2010)
01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied

Download–> Wupload | FileSonic | UploadStation
Genre: Old School Fuckin Death Metal \m/
Origin: United States
82mb | 320kbps (CD-Rip)
1. Their Finest Hour 05:25
2. Blood Ties 03:53
3. Rise Up & Revolt 03:52
4. Kill on Command 03:22
5. Demoralized 03:15
6. Push Comes to Shove 03:12
7. I Predict a Riot 02:51
8. No Mercy (from the Merciless) 03:23
9. Born of Contagion 04:03
10. Life Negated 02:36
35:36 min
Earth Crisis – Neutralize The Threat (2011)l 1 comments. 
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0)-> WUpload | FileSonic (Links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (192kbps)-> WUpload | FileSonic
Genre: Hardcore / Metalcore
Country: USA
83mb | VBR 289kbps (V0)
62mb | 192kbps
01. Raise
02. Neutralize The Threat
03. Total War
04. 100 Kiloton Blast
05. Counterstrike
06. By Conscience Compelled
07. Black Talons Tear
08. Askari
09. The Eradicators
10. Raze
Icepick - Violent Epiphany (2007)

1. Devotion Measures Strength
2. Bitter Twisted Memory
3. Tomorrow Is Not A Promise
4. Violent Epiphany
5. Creations Of Chaos
6. With One Ideal
7. Show Of Force
8. This Can Never Be Undone
9. Nothing Without Loyalty
10. Real Recognizes Real ft. Ice-T
11. Onward To Victory
12. Born To Crush You
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears (2010)
01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied
DOWNLOAD (Vbr V0)-> WUpload | FileSonic (Links by MetaLchesH)
DOWNLOAD (192kbps)-> WUpload | FileSonic
Genre: Hardcore / Metalcore
Country: USA
83mb | VBR 289kbps (V0)
62mb | 192kbps
01. Raise
02. Neutralize The
03. Total War
04. 100 Kiloton Blast
06. By Conscience Compelled
07. Black Talons Tear
08. Askari
09. The Eradicators
10. Raze
Icepick - Violent Epiphany (2007)

1. Devotion Measures Strength
2. Bitter Twisted Memory
3. Tomorrow Is Not A Promise
4. Violent Epiphany
5. Creations Of Chaos
6. With One Ideal
7. Show Of Force
8. This Can Never Be Undone
9. Nothing Without Loyalty
10. Real Recognizes Real ft. Ice-T
11. Onward To Victory
12. Born To Crush You
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears (2010)
01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied
Kingdom Of Sorrow - Behind The Blackest Tears

01. Enlightened To Extinction
02. God's Law In The Devil's Land
03. Monuments Of Ash
04. Behind The Blackest Tears
05. Envision The Divide
06. From Heroes To Dust
07. Along The Path To Ruin
08. With Barely A Breath
09. The Death We Owe
10. Sleeping Beast
11. Torchlight Procession
12. Salvation Denied
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